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Introducing Skyweaverist

In a world filled with options for digital card games like Hearthstone or MTG Arena, you might ask yourself - why Skyweaver ?

Aside from an innovative new digital market system that gives ownership of assets to the players, Skyweaver adds a new spin to the tradition DTCG genre with unique gameplay and deep strategic elements. It may seem daunting at first to beginners, but Skyweaver gameplay elements reward technical and well thought out plays. The singleton format of decks also contribute to a focus on finding packages of synergies between cards in your decks and creating a toolbox aspect when retrieving cards from your deck based on different conditions on the cards.

In the coming blog posts we’ll deep dive on various topics of Skyweaver including core mechanics, game economy, trending decks, and specific card interactions.

For now hop into Skyweaver using this link and start exploring the game with a comprehensive tutorial!

Welcome to the Skyweaverist

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